Find Photo Library On MacDelete original library to save spaceAfter you open your library from its new location and make sure that it works as expected, you can delete the library from its original location.. Select Photos from the Library section at the top of the left column Press the key combination Command+A to select all photos in your library.
Drag your library to its new location on the external drive If you see an error, select your external drive's icon in the Finder, then choose File > Get Info.
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Move your Photos library to an external storage deviceQuit Photos In the Finder, go to the external drive where you want to store your library.. Photos actually manages your photos very effectively, so even though it looks like you're wasting gobs of disk space, you're really not.. If you use iCloud Photo Library, designate this library as the System Photo Library. Cost Of Illegal Downloading Sites For Music

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In another Finder window, find your library The default location is Users > [username] > Pictures, and it's named Photos Library.. If your library is large, and you want to free up storage space on your Mac, turn on iCloud Photo Library and use Optimize Mac Storage, or move your library to an external drive.. Jun 07, 2015 You may be tempted, based on what you're seeing in the Finder, to delete your old iPhoto or Aperture library once you've migrated to Photos.. Click on Pictures in the left hand navigation If it isn’t there, just search for your pictures folder using Spotlight.. Find Photo Library On MacMac Delete Photo LibraryHow to Delete All Photos on Your Mac Launch the Photos app on your Mac.. Before you start, be sure to back up your library Prepare your driveYou can store your library on an external storage device, such as a USB or Thunderbolt drive formatted as APFS or Mac OS Extended (Journaled).. Your Photos library holds all your photos, albums, slideshows, and print projects. b0d43de27c